Local experts, right when you need them

Manyguide is free! Now available in Brussels and Amsterdam

Local experts, right when you need them

Manyguide is free! Now available in Amsterdam and Brussels

How it works

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Why it works

No more wild guesses

Find out what’s happening today and tomorrow, not last year.
No stale reviews, just suggestions you can act on.

Go where the locals go

Manyguide has more than 600 locals with expertise on where to eat, drink, play, shop, or nap in a grassy park.

Ping a smart stranger

Tell Manyguide what you’re in the mood for, and one of our experts will help you decide where to go next.

What our users say

“Beautiful, innovative app!”

Manyguide is not only incredibly fast (I got my answer in a matter of minutes), but its design is also lovely!

Olivia Phiz, US


Dropped quite a specific question and received a very accurate and correct answer within 30 mins!

Rice010, Netherlands


I was charmed by the personal way of discovering a city. No computer telling me where to go but real people, priceless.

Eric dot, Europe

“Awesome app!”

It's very useful as well as if you live in the city or you're just visiting, this app will guide you and answer all your questions quickly about the city. I always had good answers. it's also very smooth and fast!

Thibjac1995, Belgium